Monday, February 1, 2010

Bunaken Marine Park of Exotic in Indonesia

Amazed and amazing is the first impression of the visitors who first saw the beauty of the sea floor through diving services available in this tourist place. In addition there are other activities such manuel snorkeling. Snorkeling, diving surface or shallow diving (skim diving) is the activity of swimming or diving equipment by wearing a diving mask and snorkel. In addition, divers often put on the motion of the tool frog legs (Fin subs) to increase the driving force in the legs.
Seeing the sea floor with clear glass is exactly the same when I saw the sea park in Tanjung Benoa, Nusa Dua, Bali, the difference between charter boat owners to be more creative Bunaken because clear glass is placed in a box can be raised and lowered.

The beauty of a dead marine park has inspired both held world-class event of the World Ocean Conference (WOC) and Coral Triangle Summit (CTI) in Manado, 11 until May 15 that presents a head of state and delegations from abroad.
Bunaken is not only inspired the organization of WOC. Army, Navy will also organize the implementation of "Sail to Bunaken" that would bring thousands of foreign sailors who would dihelat in August.

A brochure printed by the Association of Travel and Tourism Company of Indonesia (ASITA) mentioned the Bunaken Marine Park as "the world famous diving spots of Bunaken Island" or "Place of Bunaken dive the most famous in the world".
The first experience is to explore Bunaken cluster exploration of coral reefs and hundreds of colorful fish along the Bunaken National Park.

If the boat could see clusters of coral reefs and variety of colorful fish, with diving and snorkeling would be able to enjoy the beauty of the sea floor is more amazing.
Meanwhile, during the trip from the Port of Manado to Bunaken Island, visitors will be able to see the island of Manado Tua, Bunaken Island and Island Siladen along the way, which looks like a mountain from a distance.

Bunaken sea park and is managed by the National Park Management Board chaired by Vice Governor Bunaken North Sulawesi, Freddy H Sualang.
Bunaken National Park in the center of the Coral Triangle which includes nearly six million square miles of ocean and coastal waters in Southeast Asia and Western Pacific.
Bunaken Island alone total area covering 89,065 hectares with 22 villages and a population of 40.00 persons. Residents on the island also sell various souvenirs and food / beverage traditional.

Bunaken National Park is representative of Indonesian tropical water ecosystems of the mangrove ecosystems, seagrass, coral reefs and land or coastal ecosystems.
In the northern part of Bunaken Island, Manado Tua island, Pulau Montehage, Siladen Island, Pulau Nain, Nain Kecil Island, and some coastal areas of Cape Pisok. Meanwhile, in the southern Cape coast includes some coconut.

Potential land islands national park is rich in species of palm, sago, woka, silar and coconut. Animal species that live on land and coastal regions such as Sulawesi black ape (Macaca nigra nigra), deer (Cervus timorensis russa), and possum (Aulurops ursinus ursinus).
Biologists call this type of vegetation in the mangrove forests of Bunaken National Park Rhizophora sp, Sonneratia sp, sp lumnitxera and brugueira sp. The forest is rich in various kinds of crabs, shrimp, mollusks and various types of sea birds such as seagulls, banagau, virgin sea, and sea Heron.

Type of algae found in this national park include the type of Caulerpa sp, Halimeda sp, and Padina sp. Seagrass in the Montehage Island, and Island Nain is thalatsia hemprichii, enhallus acoroides, and thalassodendra ciliatum.
Bunaken National Park was proposed in the list of world natural heritage or world heritage at UNESCO. This region has a characteristic valued marine biodiversity benefits.
"Bali is not the only fascinating part of Indonesia. In Manado you will discover the secrets of the world's most tightly stored, the coral reefs are very beautiful nature ", said President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono.
During the implementation of many WOC Bunaken visited by tourists from the United States, Singapore, France, Switzerland, Germany, UK, Japan, the Philippines, the Netherlands, Australia and the Netherlands. "Most of the USA Visitor," Yanti said Salone, the officer in Bunaken National Park.
Domestic visitor fees charged Rp 2500, - per person is usually included with the tariff board, student Rp 1000, - per person, while foreign tourists USD 50 thousand per person.
"If there are tourists who pay a one-year retribusinya Rp150 thousand. Torang (we) love the PIN so that if the validity period has not exhausted do not need to pay more ", said Yanti Salone explained.
Curious to visit the Bunaken? way quite easily. There are a number of transportation organized by the Sport and Oikano Ocean Blue Banter Tour and Travel.
They departed from the Port of Kuantan and then arrived on the scene for approximately 40 minutes.
Oikano provide long ship or boat, capacity of 25 people to 75 people, with the cost per boat Rp 3.6 million per day. While the speedboat with a capacity of four people is the charge USD 150 thousand per 30 minutes.
As for chartering a boat through the Blue Banter Tour and Travel it cost USD 600 thousand to USD 750 thousand, snorkeling and offered USD 375 thousand per person, minimum two people, including two tanks, lunch and guide.


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